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Derek Tate
Jul 16, 20247 min read
It's You, it's me, it's us - positive psychology and our future
Positive psychology has an important role to play in our future and it is up to each one of us to help make a positive difference.
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Derek Tate
Feb 18, 20245 min read
Skiing - A lifelong adventure
Adventure is important for physical and mental wellbeing and skiing provides the perfect vehicle for finding adventure.
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Derek Tate
Oct 5, 202311 min read
BEE Focused during skill acquisition
Where should your attention be focused when learning a skill? Is it a binary choice between internal or external or perhaps more complex?
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Derek Tate
Jul 13, 20236 min read
Can using your strengths create more flow in your life?
In this article Derek Tate explores how harnessing the power of strengths can create more flow experiences and energise your life.
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